About This Episode
Are you making your pricing decisions with your values at the core? You may have thought pricing comes down to just the numbers, but even your price should have value expression built into it at the base level. Find out how your company culture and values impact your pricing decisions on this episode of the Visionary CEO Podcast.
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Key Takeaways
· [1:14] Breanne and Jill will be exploring how your culture and values impact your pricing decisions.
· [1:58] Commodity based pricing versus value-based versus value for value pricing.
· [6:49] What does the pricing that you’re putting in place have to say about who you’re serving, how you want to serve them, and what makes someone the right fit?
· [10:38] Ensuring that the price you’re charging, the time that you’re investing, and the amount of support, team, and resources that go into delivering the experience is coming back to the business in an equitable exchange.
· [13:48] Why every entrepreneur’s desire to please people often ends up leading them into getting overworked and underpaid.
· [20:46] How you can provide the maximum amount of value to the client, while still being at the maximum value to the business and allowing yourself then to price at that maximum value point.
· [27:00] Breanne recommends listeners go back to Season One, Episodes 4 & 5.
· [28:10] Next time, Breanne and Jill will discuss how your company culture can help you leave a lasting impact on your customers and on your community. Let us know how your pricing reflects your values over at Instagram or Facebook, use #VisionaryCEOPodcast!
Mentioned in This Episode
· https://moneynutsandbolts.com
Production for Visionary CEO Academy Podcast is provided by Podcast Taxi.